Benefits of the Aristocratish Priscilla Ann Hibiscus Tea
Hibiscus is sometimes known as a tropical flower, but what you might not know is that the flowers are edible and make for a delicious tea. There are a variety of ways to drink hibiscus tea, but some people think it tastes better with a bit of lemon and honey added.
Many people know hibiscus tea as Jamaica tea, sorrel tea or magdeburg (German) tea – In Japan and China it is known as Agua de Jamaica. Popular around the world this natural drink has some great qualities that make it very popular. There are two general types of Hibiscus: Hibiscus sabdariffa and Hibiscus rosasinensis. Hibiscus sabdariffa is the source of Jamaica tea.
Hibiscus tea is one of the most popular teas in the world, second only to black and green tea in consumption. It is both historical and modern in nature. Native Riffians and Romans made it from dried calyces to treat all forms of inflammation, while South Americans drank an infusion as a powerful aphrodisiac. Hibiscus flowers are a source of vitamin C, which supports immune function and relieves heartburn.
While there's certainly no shortage of different teas to try out, hibiscus tea is one worth trying out. Not only are the benefits numerous, but it also tastes great and can make a nice addition to your morning routine. Whether you're looking to reduce stress, boost energy levels, or kickstart your metabolism, the Aristocratish Priscilla Ann Hibiscus Tea may be right for you.
The benefits from drinking hibiscus tea are plentiful. First, it tastes amazing and is wonderfully refreshing. Second, it is rich in antioxidants and aids in detoxification. Finally, it also aids in lowering blood pressure and fighting cancer as well as other free radicals. All of these are important benefits to the body and should make any hibiscus tea drinker happy.